Jonas Method

Natural conception method – "Jonas method" is a method developed by a Slovak doctor Eugen Jonáš in the middle of the 20th century. There are many articles and interviews with (today almost 90 years old!) psychologist Eugen Jonáš explaining the reason why he developed this method. Back in the day, he found his mission in helping women who suffered from infertility or had troubles getting pregnant. He claims that every woman can conceive naturally, she only needs to know when.
The Jonas method calculation takes into account the date of birth, time of birth and place of birth of a woman who is trying to conceive. Using these data, he should be able to calculate the right time (particular day in a month) for a woman to get pregnant. He can also predict the gender of a baby and help to avoid birth defects or miscarriages.
His calculations are claimed to be 98% accurate (proved during 35 years of his practice). That is quite a number!
So, how does it work?
Based on the information mentioned above, he can calculate one's biorhythms. Therefore, he can calculate the period of the woman's cycle, which is to be the most fertile.
According to Dr.Jonáš, every woman has fertile days (if she is biologically okay). If her partner is a healthy man with a good spermiogram, there should be no reasons not to conceive a baby. They only need to know when to try.
There are many clinics all over the world using the Jonas method. You can even find a calculator online. We can only guess the actual accuracy…
If you want to know more about natural method regarding conception or pregnancy-planning, you can also try a Chinese Gender Predictor Chart and Calendar or check our articles about how to boost your chances and beat the odds if you dream about having a baby girl or a baby boy.